Pharmaceuticals in the environment
Biocides in the environment
ChemInfo Public
ETOX: Informationssystem Ökotoxikologie und Umweltqualitätsziele
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Substance search
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Substance name
Searchs for chemical substances by name here. You can use * or ? as placeholders
Therapeutic group
You may enter a valid CAS-No. here
You may enter a country here. Substances with monitoring data sampled in this country will be shown in the hit list.
human pharmaceuticals
veterinary pharmaceuticals
Substances with monitoring data from Germany
Substances with monitoring data from Europe
Monitoring samples in water exist
Monitoring samples in soil exist
Monitoring samples in groundwater
Monitoring samples in drinking water exist
Monitoring samples in sewage sludge exist
When multiple matrices are chosen, only substances with data for all matrices are shown (boolean AND). For other operators, please use the complex search
Monitoring samples in wastewater exist
positive detection only
Data sets that fit the search criteria are highlighted in the substance dossier.
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